Beautiful Groove - One that is anchored in trust, respect and friendship. This is a amazing phrase I heard today, I have a feeling it will stick with me for a long time.
It has been a while since Cameron and I have had any pictures together and I figured since the weather was nothing but amazing we should take advantage and head down to Deep Ellum for some shots. Of course it was just him and I so I carried my tripod to take the shots of the two of us together. The wind was blowing unexpectedly hard but we made it through with some great photographs.
As you know I love to shoot in Deep Ellum. I have some especially favorite spots down there that I always like to visit.. Sometimes it can get a little confusing and twisted and I was searching for a particular blue wall.. I looked and looked and could not find it, after realizing they had painted over my blue wall a fabulous RED, and if anyone knows me red is my favorite color.. It was breathtaking, the photographs that have the red background is my shortly missed blue wall. I say shortly missed because I discovered another amazing blue wall with an American Flag which was perfect for photographs!